
Monday, November 26, 2018

Milk & Cookies Ice Cream

I loved cookies and cream ice cream growing up! It was such a treat, so I decided to make my own version with a little extra added.  Funny enough, I actually didn't like milk until I hit my mid-twenties so dunking Oreos or chocolate chip cookies in a cold glass of milk didn’t do it for me. Things change though and now I’m an avid lover of chocolate milk, who knew?

For this recipe you can use any cookies you'd like, but make sure to use a harder cookie so it doesn't dissolve. For this frozen treat I used Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookie and Oreos. To prevent waste, you can always turn the leftover egg whites into a meringue, freeze them for later, or even make a fun cocktail! Cheers!


10 medium chocolate chip cookies
10 Oreos
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup milk powder
6 tbsp confectioner sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream


1. In a medium saucepan on medium-low heat add sugar, milk powder, milk and vanilla extract. Stir until sugar has dissolved
2. In a separate bowl whisk together egg yolks. Slowly pour some of the warmed mixture into the yolks and whisk 
3. Pour yolk mixture back into saucepan and stir custard until it becomes thick and reaches 165-170 degrees Fahrenheit 
4. Strain custard mixture into heavy cream and let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours or overnight
5. Once fully cooled, add mixture to ice cream maker and freeze following manufacturer's instructions
6. Break up cookies into size chunks you want and mix them in well

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