
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Candied Sesame Seeds

Happy inauguration day! Here's a perfect treat that you didn't see coming.

I never would have thought of this until I was eating the Trader Joes sesame seed cashews. Perfectly sweet and best served in a stir fry, but what if I didn't want the nut, what about just the sweets seeds that are a perfect pop? Well here you are and you're welcome! So easy, and a very different sweet to put on anything (including a savory dishes)! I love these best on peanut butter and dates for a sweet treat! Cheers!


1 cup white sesame seeds
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup water
pinch of salt


1. In a medium frying pan on medium heat add all of the ingredients. Stir constantly and DO NOT leave your pan, they will burn without constant movement 

2. Stir for 5-10 minutes, until the seeds become a sandy consistency and water has evaporated

3. Once sandy, remove your seeds from the heat and pour over parchment paper and let them cool

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