
Friday, July 20, 2018

Peaches & Cream Popsicle

If you’ve ever gone through the dessert freezer at Trader Joe’s you’ll see two different fruit and cream bars, raspberry and mango. It’s refreshing and so small you end up justifying that you could eat two more. Well that’s exactly how you’ll feel about this popsicle minus the fact that it’s big, but you would want to eat two more regardless. With peach season underway I’ve been trying to make peach desserts in all sorts of ways and decided to use my excess peach & bourbon sorbet to make the perfect popsicle. The thing about recipe testing is you end up with a massive amount of samples and believe me I would be big as a barn if I didn’t have my family and coworkers to pass the extras off to. I recently made a vanilla ice cream just to have on hand when I made crumbles so this was perfect to mix in with my peach sorbet! Please note when using popsicle molds you need to melt the popsicle slightly in order to take it out, I learned this in college when I made fudge popsicles and they wouldn’t come out of the mold. I got so angry I tossed them back in the freezer. Luckily we came home from the bar a few nights later and my friend (who was heavily intoxicated) grabbed one from the freezer and put it under the hot water. I sat there dumbfounded that a guy who could barely get to class and constantly helped himself to my exam answers outsmarted me. From then on I never underestimated him (well sometimes). Of course he didn't remember a thing from that night and we found the melted popsicle under the couch. I find that there is nothing better than a ripe peach during the summer and this boozy popsicle always reminds me of that one night back at school! Cheers! 


8 large ripe peaches, peeled and stone removed
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp bourbon 
4 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream 


1. In a medium saucepan on low heat add sugar and water, cook until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let it come to room temperature
2. Peel peaches and remove stones from the center. If you want an easier way to peel peaches check out my peach ice cream post!
3. Place peaches in blender and blend on high until smooth
4. Add cooled syrup to blender and pulse a couple of times to mix well
5. Freeze in ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions. Add bourbon at the end and make sure it’s mixed well 
6. Take your popsicle molds and start to fill  alternating between vanilla ice cream and peach sorbet
7. Once mold is filled and popsicle stick placed in, let it freeze for at least 4 hours in the back of the freezer.  In order to remove the popsicle from the mold run it under hot water for at least 10 seconds on each side. Gently start to work the popsicle out of the mold and enjoy immediately! 

Note: I made my own vanilla ice cream, but for a recipe that uses two frozen treats I would suggest making your life easier and use a vanilla ice cream from the grocery store or you can make your own!

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