
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Peach & Bourbon Sorbet

To me peaches and bourbon are quintessential to the south and there was plenty of that when I was at university. As it’s been quite a few years since I’ve graduated my tastes have matured and as I hope anyone’s would have, you start drinking something that won’t give you the worst hangover in the world (hello Sup Dog swirls!). Many of my sorbets and ice creams contain, if only, a tablespoon of alcohol, but not many can you taste except for this one. It takes me right back to those hot summer days in NC when all you wanted was to get away from the heat and consume frozen drinks to make you forget about the accounting exam you just failed. Cheers!


8 large ripe peaches
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp bourbon 


1. In a medium saucepan on low heat add sugar and water, cook until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let it come to room temperature
2. Peel peaches and remove stones from the center. If you want an easier way to peel peaches check out my peach ice cream post!
3. Put peaches in blender  and blend on high until smooth. Strain puree and add back to blender
4. Add cooled syrup to blender and pulse a couple of times to mix well
5. Freeze in ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions. Add bourbon at the end and make sure it’s mixed well, otherwise you’ll be breathing fire!

Note: This is great if you want to add some bubbly!

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