
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sungold Kiwifruit Sorbet

This sorbet has to be one of my most tart sorbets yet, but i LOVE it. Kiwifruits, especially Sungolds, when ripe are sweet with a slight sharpness. We tend to eat them right out of the skin with a spoon, but I decided to turn it into a frozen treat because I got a little overzealous at the store and purchased too many. We get our Sungolds from Costco and believe me if you see them grab them, they're the perfect snack! If you like the sharpness of kiwifruits, this one's for you! Cheers!


7 Sungold kiwifruits
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
pinch of Maldon Sea Salt (or Fleur de Sel)
2 tbsp silver rum (optional)


1. In a medium saucepan heat sugar and half a cup of water until sugar dissolves. Take off heat and let it come to room temperature
2. Peel the kiwis and and pulse in blender until the fruits are fully blended. Be careful not to just leave it on blend as it will destroy all the seeds (so you'll end up walking around with what looks like pepper in your teeth)
3. If you decide to strain the seeds out, strain into a separate bowl and add the puree back to the blender.
4. Add the cooled syrup and the remaining water to the blender and pulse once or twice to mix
5. Pour into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's instructions. Towards the end add the rum and pinch of sea salt

1 comment:

  1. This sorbet is delicious; it's nice and light, very refreshing especially for the summer.
