
Thursday, August 9, 2018

White Nectarine Sorbet

As I've said many times, the farmer's market is the place to be during the summer. When I was a kid I was pretty lucky to spend my summers in Delaware with my family and every Tuesday my mother and aunt would hit up the farmer's market and bring back dinner for that night. During those summers I learned to love nectarines and peaches, but was never the biggest fan of the white stone fruits. I thought they lacked flavor the yellow ones had. So when I visited the market this past Saturday and the farmers only had the white nectarines I was a little disappointed, but bought them anyway to try out. Turns out I'm still not the biggest fan, but couldn't let them go to waste so I decided to turn them into sorbet for my neighbors and friends. Let's just say they will be lucky if I share any of this sorbet. I was blown away by the flavor, this wasn't the fruit I started out with, but something delicate and astonishingly creamy and flavorful. You must make this before we lose stone fruit season. This makes a little more than a pint (which is perfect for us since we lack freezer space), but you can double the ingredients to make about a quart! Cheers!


*3 large rip white nectarines peeled and stone removed
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup water
2 tbsp silver rum


1. In a medium saucepan on medium-low heat add peeled and sliced nectarines, sugar and 1/4 cup water. Cook the fruit down for 15 minutes, remove from heat and let the mixture come to room temperature
2. Add mixture to blender with remaining water and blend on high until smooth
3. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and freeze following manufacturer's instructions. Add rum at the end of the freezing process

*If you want an easier way to peel the nectarines, follow these steps from my peach ice cream recipe

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