
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Apricot & Thyme Jam

My grandmother would have loved this apricot jam, if I do say so myself. Apricots were one of her favorite fruits; I swear she could wipe out a whole bag in one sitting (it helped that they were tiny, like her). Perfectly tart with a hint of earthiness, I find there to be nothing better than infusing any sort of fruit jams or ice creams with my herbs. This is awesome on any pastry or piece of toast, you'll thank me later! Cheers!


10 apricots
1/2 cup sugar
5 sprigs of fresh thyme


1. Fill a medium saucepan with water and place on high heat. Let water come to a boil
2. Once boiling add your fresh apricots and boil for 1 minute
3. Strain apricots and let them cool down a bit before you start peeling the skins
4. Peel the skins off the fruits and smash the apricots with your hands back into the medium saucepan. Make sure to keep the seeds in the mixture as the natural pectin will help tighten your jam
5. Replace saucepan on stove on medium heat. Add the rest of your ingredients
6. Let mixture come to a boil then reduce heat to a simmer
7. Let mixture simmer for 30 minutes while stirring. The liquids will start to evaporate and the jam will start to tighten up
8. Depending on how tight you enjoy your jams, you can keep on the heat longer or remove from heat and let the jam cool 
9. Once the jam has cooled, remove the seeds and the sprigs of thyme and place in a jar. Make sure to refrigerate and consume the jam in the following 3 weeks!

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